Travis Faas

The Scholar, The Teacher, and the Third Wave

Watch Me Code

CSCW 2018 Paper


Documenting coding learning practices on

Once Niche, now a significant area of learning and entertainment on Twitch

Whistle While You Brew

A Virtual Reality Singing Game shown at Meaningful Play 2016

Girl whistling WWYB

An Introduction to HTML5 Game Development with Phaser.js

Book on game development and JavaScript tooling

HTML5 Games Book

Media Arts Education

Full-time lecturing in game and web development

Award-winning students who have showcased work at MAGFest, GDC, Indy Indies, and Vector Conference.

Topics include JavaScript (intro through advanced), intro and intermediate game development (Unity, Unreal Engine), augmented reality, HCI of games, and live streaming.

IGDA Indianapolis

Game Development Communtiy in Indiana

Indy Indies logo

Organization runs educational and community events to support game developers in Indianapolis and the surrounding region.

Events include game jam at the Indiana State Museum, online speaking events during 2020, and multiple showcases with partners such as Tappers Arcade Bar, IUPUI Idea Garden, and IUPUI Gamers Hall for their annual League of Legends Invitational.

Snowy Game to the world logo
people playing games

Epic MegaGrant

Game User Experience Online Curriculum

Design and development of a series of educational projects, modules, and videos that explain UX concepts in the context of Unreal Engine.

Jam Today, Jam Tomorrow: Learning in Online Game Jams

GROUP 2020 Paper

Exploration and documentation of the learning Activity System in online game jams found on